Thursday, September 25, 2014

Queen's English as a Second Language

I have been keeping a list of words that Brits use that are different than what I am familiar with. They include:

Parade--a street of shops, as in "Marylebone has a nice parade."

Engaged--occupied, as in "This toilet is currently engaged."

Full Stop--period, as in "my blog site is smith and chips full stop blogspot full stop com" or "I don't like to lose. Full stop."

Pants--underwear, as in "always wear a clean pair of pants" (and don't say that you left something in your other pants)

Trousers--pants, as in "these wool trousers aren't lined"

Waistcoat--vest, as in "Shouldn't Warren buy this awesome jacket and waistcoat?" (he didn't)

Vest--sleeveless undershirt, as in "we don't sell vests here, we are a suit store"

Aubergine--eggplant, as in "We had aubergine and courgette for dinner"

Courgette--zucchini (see above)

Franked Mail--mail where a machine prints the postage without a stamp, see photo

Anti-Social Behaviour--harassing or aggressive behavior, as in "Anti-social behaviour will result in an £80 fine."

Something else I think is interesting is the crosswalks. I was surprised to find that London is not a very pedestrian friendly place, as I had expected. It really encourages jaywalking because there aren't very many crosswalks and if you find one it takes forever for the light to change. I filmed one type of crosswalk called a zebra (pronounced zehbra) crossing by Londoners. Hopefully the video comes through. When the lights are blinking it means that the pedestrian has the right-of-way. But it can be really hard to tell when they are flashing on a bright day.

Another strange phenomenon is the types of American tv shows they play here. I made a list when we were in our temporary housing and had tv. I will say that not all the American shows they play here are outdated but I am still surprised at what I've seen so far.

Melissa and Joey
Fear Factor
Murder She Wrote
Three Men and a Baby

And speaking of tv...Downton Abbey started back here Sunday! The first episode  was an hour and a half!


  1. Loving my "walk" and British conversation with you as you provide a guided tour of your experiences. The food makes me terribly hungry.

  2. Yes, Warren should by the awesome jacket and waistcoat!

  3. You are so posh! And who watches Melissa and Joey? How can Brist have such fantastic TV and bother with such rubbish (my attempt to sound posh).
