Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sister Shopping Day

My sister was in town earlier this week and we were able to go to some of London's most popular shopping locations. One of these famous places was of course, Selfridges. 

Here I am at the main entrance to Selfridge's just off Oxford Street. 

Selfridges has some beautiful displays for Valentine's Day coming up in a few weeks. 

We went to Fortnum and Mason where they also have Valentine's Day displays up in their outdoor windows. We were lucky enough to be there on a day when they were handing out samples. I bought some of Fortnum and Mason's amazing Lemon Curd. We like to eat it on toast but here they also put it in yogurt.

After we were done shopping we went to Choccywoccydoodah in Soho for a treat.

In the downstairs part of Choccywoccydoodah they sell all kinds of  chocolatey sweets. The cakes are really impressive and intricate!

But if you aren't in the market for cake they also sell loads of chocolatey goodness like giant marshmallows covered in chocolate and sprinkles, little jars of chocolate, giant bricks of chocolate with dried bananas or nuts in it, etc. 

Here are some more photos of their amazing cakes. 

They also have bags of plain chocolate chips, which is a rarity in this city. I was looking for chocolate chips a few weeks ago and couldn't find them even after going to five grocery stores. They are available online or at Costco (yep, there is a Costco here). 

They also had rice crispy treats on top of chocolate bars. I love white chocolate here in England so I really want to try this sometime. They also sell it in dark chocolate for the chocolate purists. 

Here is my sister with a lollipop-inspired rocky road chocolate bar. It looked so amazing!

After checking out all the amazing treats in the shop, we went upstairs to the cafe part of Choccywoccydoodah. 

We decided to get the Choccywoccy Ice Cream Sundae which had chocolate ice cream, brownie, chocolate truffle, shortbread biscuit, raspberry coulis, whipped cream, molten chocolate, chocolate buttons, and chocolate curls.

It was so delicious! The brownie bits throughout the sundae were so good and so was the chocolate section between the scoops of ice cream. 

Here are some of the other menu items that we didn't try this time including brownies, cookies, and cakes. 

I can't believe how much I enjoyed this place considering I'm not a huge fan of chocolate (except white chocolate, which I love). But I definitely want to try some of their other desserts next time, specifically some of the brownies.

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