Monday, October 20, 2014

Imperial War Museum and Piccadilly Circus

Saturday we went to the Imperial War Museum to see the exhibit on the First World War. 

Here is the inside of the museum. There are five floors and in the centre they have all this giant hanging exhibit. 

The museum itself feels very somber.

I know it is weird, but I took this photo in the restroom. Even in there the architecture feels somber and eery. 

The First World War exhibit was really fascinating. We went to both this exhibit and another that focused on art representing the war. Both were excellent exhibits. This photo is of signs that soldiers put up in the trenches. Some have warnings but others are names of streets and places they knew from back home. The sign with all the bullet holes says, "Do not stand about here. Even if you are not hit someone else will be."

Hard to follow that with food, but later in the evening we went out to dinner with some of Warren's coworkers and their wives (the ones I went to tea with). We went to Whyte and Brown. For our starter, we all shared chicken crisps which were roasted chicken skins with seasoning salt. It tasted a lot like fried chicken. 

Warren ordered the chicken milanese which came with a fried eggs and bacon on top. 

I got the chicken ploughman's (I've mentioned my love of ploughman sandwiches in earlier posts). It came with mature cheddar, potted pulled chicken, caesar egg (a type of scotch egg), chicken liver pate, sausage, red onion marmalade, pickles, and toasted sourdough. It was really fun to try a little bit of everything and the plating looked really cool! The "pickles" were pickled celery, red and yellow pepper, onion, and cucumber. 

After dinner, Warren and I walked through Piccadilly Circus to catch out bus home. 

In Piccadilly Circus we saw this street performer (for lack of a better word). He was making some sort of noise (not really musical in nature) with a construction cone and has a packet of biscuits underneath the cone and a cup for money in front of him. It was quite a sight. 

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